The copyright laws sever to create property rights for certain kinds of intellectual property, generally called works of authorship. Copyrights laws protect the legal rights of the creator of an original work by preventing others from reproducing the work in any other way.

 Kind of intellectual property

 Modern copyrights laws serve to protect a variety of intellectual property ranging from songs and jingles to computer software and proprietary databases. The intellectual property under copyright laws can be classified as follows.

 Literary works

 These cover published works, including books, articles, journals, and periodicals, as well as manuscripts. Even adaptations, translations, and abridgments are taken as original works and are protected under copyright law. Very importantly, these also cover computer programs and computer databases.

 Dramatic works

 A dramatic work means a work capable of being physically performed. It need not be fixed in writing or otherwise. Some examples of dramatic works are a piece of recitation, choreographic work, elements of a dance or ballet, costumes, and scenery with a drama, etc.

 Musical works

 Musical work means a work consisting of music and it includes graphical notation of such a work. The words in a song and the music have separates rights and the rights cannot be merged.

 Artistic works

 Artistic works are works such as paintings, sculptures, drawings, engravings, photographs, and architectural works, irrespective of judgments on their artistic quality.

N.B !!! To get protection under copyrights laws, it is important to establish that the work originates from the author and is not a copied work.

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